Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Grade 1 E Book Covers

This year, first graders learned about call numbers, which work like addresses for books. Although they're called "numbers," most only have letters ... kind of confusing. We focused on the E (for Everyone) section.

Every picture book call number has "E" as the first line, and then the first letter of the author's last name as the second line. For example, if I wrote a book, the call number would be


What would YOUR call number be?

Students figured out theirs and created an E book they "wrote" as their final library assignment. Here are some of their book covers ... you can see them all next year if your student checks out the book we created!

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Grade 5 Advertising Agency

We spent several weeks discussing advertising, including its history (going back to ancient civilizations), its prevalance (some of the kids are walking ads in branded clothing), the power of logos (proven by the students' knowledge of these product mascots), and three tactics to be aware of: exaggeration, generalization, and scare tactics

Finally, the kids took what they had learned and produced an original ad of their own, using one of the tactics listed above. Here they are at work, along with what they came up with: