Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Room 18 Autobiography Poems

April is National Poetry Month, so I'm trying to do something poetic in many of our library classes. In third grade, the kids just finished their final assessment on how to use the online catalog to find books on the shelf; the rule of thumb I gave them was that nonfiction books have actual numbers in their call numbers. However, one section defies the rule: biographies (it's B plus the subject's last name ... e.g. B Moore for a book about me).

I decided to combine a lesson about biography call numbers with a poetry assignment. Here is Room 18 working on theirs, as well as some of their poems after the photos.

Beautiful, awesome, cute, friendly
Auntie to a little baby
Likes to bake, dance, play with friends, play with friends, bike, collect things, and talk and play with her family
Doesn't like scary movies or rats
Needs love, food, water, toys, clothing, family, and shelter
Dreams of doing everything in the world
Fears spiders and sharks
Wants to be a school teacher
Would like to meet John Cena
Wants to go to Hollywood

Smart, nice, hyper, sleepy, active
Son of Harry
Likes playing and reading
Doesn't like having worst nightmares
Needs to go to places to buy toys
Dreams of falling down the deck
Fears people that are scary robots or animatronic
Wants to be an engineer
Wants to go to a place that has a lot of toys

Adventurous, joyful, fun, and brave
Daughter of Melissa and Brad
Likes playing basketball and singning
Doesn't like bugs
Needs to sleep at night and be active in the morning
Dreams of meeting One Direction
Fears falling off a cliff
Wants to be a pet doctor
Would like to meet John Centa
Wants to go to Paris

Funny, cool, awesome, radiant
Son of mom and dad
Likes mac and cheese, computers, pigs, cakes, and cookies
Doesn't like spiders or masks
Needs clothes, gum, heart, lungs, stomach
Dreams of Minecraft
Fears the dark and ghosts
Wants to be the richest man alive
Would like to meet zombies
Wants to go to space

Fast, silly, smart, friendly
Daughter of mom and dad
Likes New York and school
Doesn't like when Mom pulls on my hair
Needs a family
Dreams of scary things
Fears kangaroos
Wants to be a teacher
Would like to meet Taylor Swift
Wants to go to Paris, France

Room 18 Student
Smart, humble, crazy, friendly
Son of a cop
Likes videogames, reading, and history
Doesn't like rudeness
Needs sleep. food, water, shelter, and videogames
Dreams of being an architect or a Youtuber
Fears Five Nights at Freddy's and being buried alive
Wants to be an architect or a Youtuber
Would like to meet Minoru Yamasaki
Wants to go to Dubai or Pearl Harbor
Room 18 Student

Curious, adventurous, crazy, friendly
Sister of Jianny and Giana
Likes mysteries, books, hiking, movies, music, dancing, science, animals, and dolls
Doesn't like bugs, seafood, or bullies
Needs books, CDs, toys, and energy
Dreams of doing something important for the world
Fears the dentist
Wants to be an adventurer/President who makes a scientific breakthrough
Would like to meet Albert Einstein
Wants to go to Wonderland

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